Javascript (ECMAScript 5.1) Refresher
Comparisons Operators
- ==
- equal to
- ===
- equal value and equal type
- !=
- not equal
- !==
- not equal value or not equal type
I saw something else I thought was a fancy notation:
if (!!something)
//which is not a special operator, it just converts it to boolean, i.e a double not.
(!!something) === (!(!something))
//this would only be useful if you want to set a boolean to something truthy, i.e.
var a = "somevalue";
var asBoolean = !!"somevalue";
Object Initializer
Something I had thought was not a fully adopted syntax, was being able to specify the getter / setter functions in the initializer. (MDN Object initializer)var o = {This creates:
func1: function (p1, p2) {},
get prop1() { return this._prop1; },
set prop1(value) { this._prop1 = value; },
- a function called func1:
o.func1(param1, param2)
- setter function for "prop1":
o.prop1 = 'newvalue';
- getter functions for "prop2":
var oldValue = o.prop1;
var o = Object.create({}, {
func1: {
value: function(p1, p2) { },
prop1: {
get function() { return this._prop1; },
set function(value) { this._prop1 = value; },
Other odd syntax
The OR operator:
// this allows fall-back assignment in case a variable is not defined or set
var myNamespace = window.myNamespace || {};
// which is equivalent to: (there are many more ways to write this but this is the simplest direct translation)
var myNamespace;
// if you just use myNamespace not window.myNamespace you'll get a variable not defined error
if (window.myNamespace) // if defined and set to a value
myNamespace = window.myNamespace;
myNamespace = {};
This is sometimes written like this:
var myNamespace = window.myNamespace || window.myNamespace={};
Which although it seems wrong, is actually valid syntax. An assignment of a variable statement returns a value, so (window.myNamespace={})
is equal to {}
. It’s nice and compact but does border on readability vs magic syntax (those trying debug Groovy scripts will understand what I mean).
Next the AND operator:
DEBUG && console.log("My debug statement");Don't abuse this one, as its easy to make JavaScript look like a completely different language. My recommendation - used for a few scenarios and use it consistently. Pretty code, is readable code.
// is a compact way of writing
if (DEBUG)
console.log("My debug statement");
The COMMA operator:
This one I really did think was some magic syntax until I looked it up. By the example given on MDN comma operator reference my best bet is it was intended only for the for loop, which in hindsight I vaguely knew it was legal syntax there.
This just executes each statement in turn, returning the value of the last statement.
if (doSomething)
return retValue = invokeMethod(), console.log(retValue), retValue;
return false;
Scope & Closures
Reading through a lot of the articles there is a lot of talk about closures and warnings about scope when using nested function. Reading some of the examples out there could lead you to code over defensibly (which I realised I had been doing) or just left wondering what the big deal is. Function scoped variables in JavaScript behave almost the way you would think at first glance.- Nested functions are able to access the variables of parent functions scope (all the way up to the global scope --> window)
- Parent functions can't access the variables of nested functions
- Nested functions can still access the parent functions variables after the parent function(s) have finished executing --> they get a copy of the stack
- Each invocation of the parent function creates a new stack so someFunc(1) defined variables won't overlap with someFunc(2)
- If myFunc1 and myFunc2 were defined in parentFunc:
var obj = parentFunc(123);
Then myFunc1 and myFunc2 could both alter variables defined in parentFunc
This last point is the only one that you have to be wary of. This blog post has more detail, however here is the snippet which highlights the problem:
function f() {
var arr = [ "red", "green", "blue" ];
var result = [];
for(var i=0; i<arr.length-1; i++) {
var func = function() {
return arr[i];
return result;
This has the effect of every function in the result returning "blue" as each function sees the latest value of i, which is the length of the array.
Function expressions, declarations etc
For the most part it doesn't matter whether you use a function declaration or a function expression, there's listing of all the function types and their minor differences here: (MDN Functions reference). The only difference that should affect most people is:
- Function declarations can be used before they are declared as they are 'hoisted' automatically by the parser.
- Function expressions on the other hand, need to be defined before they are invoked or assigned.
There are many different patterns people use to create classes that together with the ECMAScript 6 shorthand. I won’t show them all but here is the one I use for ECMAScript 5.
var Person = function Person(name) { = name;
this.canTalk = true;
_.extend(Person.prototype, {
prop1: null,
prop2: 123,
prop3: {},
prop4: "",
func1: function () {
console.log("%s's prop2 is %s",, this.prop2);
var tim = new Person("Tim");
// response is:
// > Tim's prop2 is 123
I’ve seem some people use Person.prototype = {..} which has the effect of overwriting the Person.prototype.constructor property which doesn’t have immediate problems but can cause issues with inheritance and some frameworks. This Stackoverflow discussion shows why.
I use underscore.js in this example, but jQuery does the same, as a shorthand for having to write
Person.prototype.prop1 = null;
etc to set all the methods and properties on the prototype so they are shared between object instances.ECMAScript 6 allows you to easily define the functions in a class but doesn’t allow you to set the starting value for instance variables on the prototype. i.e. you’ll still need to do
_.extend(Person.prototype, { prop1: … prop2: .. });
but you’ll just define the functions with the class.Namespaces
In JavaScript, namespaces (aka packages/modules) are written simply as objects:
// global namespace
var MYAPP = MYAPP || {};
// sub namespace
MYAPP.event = {};
They’re nothing magical and not built into the language, more of a technique of scoping your variables and functions so they don’t clash with the numerous JavaScript libraries now in use. MDN has an intro on namespaces in their Object Orientated section. There’s a Stackoverflow discussion: What's the best way to create a JavaScript namespace?
The syntax below I found the best supported by IDE’s as any good programmer knows, sometimes the best way to do something is the quickest/more efficient way by using the supported libraries/tools to make our lives easier. This uses a ‘immediately-invoked function expression’ (IIFE) that passes in the global object (in this case the window) to define the namespace so it can be referenced by other code. This also makes it easier to wire into something that doesn’t run in the browser, i.e Node.js, however the syntax below is better suited to that..
((function(global) {
MyNamespace.method1 = function() {
//... do something
global.MyNamespace = MyNamespace;
I came across this article Essential JavaScript Namespacing Patterns which has the next one. This uses an IIFE to execute the namespace but return an object defining the references to the ‘public’ or exported methods.
var namespace = (function () {
// defined within the local scope
var privateMethod1 = function () { /* ... */ }
var privateMethod2 = function () { /* ... */ }
var privateProperty1 = 'foobar';
return {
// the object literal returned here can have as many
// nested depths as you wish, however as mentioned,
// this way of doing things works best for smaller,
// limited-scope applications in my personal opinion
publicMethod1: privateMethod1,
//nested namespace with public properties
publicProperty1: privateProperty1
//another tested namespace
publicMethod2: privateMethod2
There are 3 basic flavours to the modules, common.js, Asynchronous Module Definition: AMD (yeh I know, easily confused with the chip manufacturer) and ECMAScript 6 Modules.
The last namespace sample I gave is pretty close to the AMD module definitions, this is taken from require.js:
//my/shirt.js now has some dependencies, a cart and inventory
//module in the same directory as shirt.js
define(["./cart", "./inventory"], function(cart, inventory) {
//return an object to define the "my/shirt" module.
return {
color: "blue",
size: "large",
addToCart: function() {
I personally prefer the common.js style, but since we have to work in the browser as well as the server here is the require.js wrapper for common.js modules:
define(['require', 'exports', 'module', 'dep1'], function (require, exports, module, dep1) {
exports.tripple = function tripple(val1) {
return val1 * 3;
//require is useful for cyclic dependencies
exports.dependantFunc = function () {
return tripple(require('dep2').getValue());
In a later post I will go into more detail on how to use ECMAScript 6 (via Babel and require.js) in the browser.
Documentation (JSDoc)
Writing documentation is the bane of nearly every developer’s existence. However in JavaScript it’s a must. Due to JavaScript’s very loose typing of variables, it makes it near impossible for a modern IDE to give you good autocomplete suggestions which make coding that much more efficient. This lack of typing has resulted in many languages which are compiled into JavaScript such as: TypeScript (which IntelliJ actually uses for a source of it’s API definitions for open source libraries).
The JavaDoc for JavaScript: JSDoc3 / @use JSDoc, supports defining types for variables, self/this, return values etc. Together with the added syntax from Google’s Closure Compiler, you can get near Java-like API autocomplete suggestions in IntelliJ. However, I did have some difficulties with modules, which if I ever remember where I got it right, I’ll post up.
Strict Mode
Strict Mode (MDN), is a feature added in ECMAScript 5 which turns on restrictions in the scope it's defined that help catch coding typos and also helps the compiler boost the performance. Mistakes take were quietly worked around in non-strict mode are raised as errors.
//use strict mode globally within this file
"use strict";
function someStrictFunc() {
//use strict mode within this function, single or double quotes
'use strict';
Additional Topics
Many frameworks use them and as a result they’ve been included in ECMAScript 6. Chrome already supports them but for other browsers you’ll need a shim like: promise.js. They allow much better chaining of dependant functions.
A different take at inheritance. Those who’ve used less or sass will recognise the concept. A fresh look at JavaScript Mixins
General OO (namespaces and classes)
This is another good article covering namespaces and classes in more detail. Preparing Yourself for Modern JavaScript Development
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