Diagnosing MQ client and resource adapter problems via trace logging
Standalone tracing WebSphere MQ classes for JMS applications It’s a relatively simple process to enable logging for MQ JMS client libraries. 1. Add a reference WebSphere MQ classes for JMS configuration file . Here is the command line arguments to reference the common services properties files called “mqjms.properties” for MQ. Note: the location for the MQ classes for JMS is a uri (i.e. prefix it with file:) whilst the location for MQ classes for Java is a regular path and annoyingly it won’t give you an error if it can’t correctly read the file. Also included is a reference to a java keystore and turning on java.net logging for SSL and connection handshaking as getting MQ and SSL working seems to be a constant battle, with cipher suites being the most common cause. I even had trouble trying to use the same ssl/cipher from WLP in both standalone JMS and in the non-JMS setup. It seems to require some trial and error for each of the 3 ways of using MQ listed here. -Dcom.ibm.msg.cli...