Multiple Log4J instances in a WebApp
Many times I've come across the classic problem of different logging instances in an web app server. Most of them involve classloader conflicts: The webapp has log4j.jar but the webapp has bundled log4j.jar as well and you get errors. OR you have the log4j.jar in the application server's shared library directory and you have 2 webapps but the configuration conflict - or even just a configuration for the application server itself and one for the webapp. I've finally come across a solution for log4j. It involves using a repository selector based on a context, this is fully described here - Supporting the log4j RepositorySelector in Servlet Containers . So the solution to stop conflicts and independently configure each application is this. First put ALL logging jars in the shared library directory including ( log4j.jar, slf4j-api.jar, slf4j-log4j.jar, commons-logging.jar, etc). This ensures that if they one of the libraries is loaded in the main classloader it can access the