Diagnosing MQ client and resource adapter problems via trace logging

Standalone tracing WebSphere MQ classes for JMS applications

It’s a relatively simple process to enable logging for MQ JMS client libraries.
1. Add a reference WebSphere MQ classes for JMS configuration file.
Here is the command line arguments to reference the common services properties files called “mqjms.properties” for MQ.
Note: the location for the MQ classes for JMS is a uri (i.e. prefix it with file:) whilst the location for MQ classes for Java is a regular path and annoyingly it won’t give you an error if it can’t correctly read the file.
Also included is a reference to a java keystore and turning on java.net logging for SSL and connection handshaking as getting MQ and SSL working seems to be a constant battle, with cipher suites being the most common cause. I even had trouble trying to use the same ssl/cipher from WLP in both standalone JMS and in the non-JMS setup. It seems to require some trial and error for each of the 3 ways of using MQ listed here.
2. Add the settings for Tracing WebSphere MQ classes for JMS applications into the configuration file.
# This setting below seemed to have no effect
# com.ibm.msg.client.commonservices.trace.include=com.ibm.mq.jmqi.remote;com.ibm.mq.jms;com.ibm.msg.client.wmq

Tracing WebSphere MQ resource adapter inside an application server – websphere liberty profile

This is probably the easiest to set up, you can either set it up using properties set on the ResourceAdapter similar to above as documented here: Tracing the WebSphere MQ resource adapter. Or you can use a finer grained control over packages' logging and level using websphere's tracing framework: WLP Logging and Trace
For WLP it's a simple as adding these lines to the server instance's bootstrap.properties:
# enable jav.net level logging
# default value
com.ibm.ws.logging.trace.specification=*= INFO:com.ibm.ws.mq.*=DEBUG=enabled:com.ibm.mq.*=DEBUG=enabled:WMQ.*=DEBUG=enabled:com.ibm.msg.client.wmq.*=DEBUG

Tracing WebSphere MQ classes for Java applications

If you still using the 'old' MQ for Java (which is useful if you want to barebones access to MQ), there are 2 ways to enable trace logging. As documented in Tracing MQ for Java, you can use the MQEnvironment class which is handy if you want to only long a few specific operations:
MQEnvironment.enableTracing(1);   // start trace
 ...                              // these commands will be traced
MQEnvironment.disableTracing();   // turn tracing off again
Or using the commonservices properties file by using adding the command line:
Having a file mqjava.properties in the current directory:
# Base WebSphere MQ diagnostics are disabled 
# Java diagnostics for the WebSphere MQ Java Classes are both enabled
# High detail Java trace
# Java trace is written to a file and not to the console.
# Directory for Java trace file
# Directory for First Failure Data Capture
# Directory for error logging

A common gotcha – cipher specs

Cipher specs always seem to cause the most issues, this is a list of MQ CipherSpec to JSSE CipherSuite for 7.5.0. With this patch list added support for non-IBM JDK's. There a discussion here about the support.
The only one I managed to get working was this sslCipherSuite using Oracle JDK 1.7.0_51: SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA


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