How to chain an ES6 Promise
Node.js uses async functions extensively, as it based around non-blocking I/O. Each function takes a callback function parameter, which can result in some messy, deeply nested callback functions if you have to call a bunch of async functions in sequence. Promises make these callbacks a lot cleaner. ES6 (or ES2016) Promise s are a great way of chaining together asynchronous functions so that they read like a series of synchronous statements. There's already some great posts on Promises, 2ality has a good intro to async then detail of the api , so I won't rehash that article. However, after starting to use them for cases more complicated than most examples, it easy to make a few mistaken assumptions or make things difficult for yourself. So here is a more complicated example showing a pattern I like to follow. In this example, I'll use the new Javascript Fetch API , which is an API that returns a Promise, allowing you to make async HTTP calls without having to muck a...